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2VP36 Pulley

2VP36 pulleys are manufactured to give users the ability to adjust the diameter of the pulley, doing this also will adjust the speed. These double groove 2VP36 pulleys are manufactured using high-quality grade 35-cast iron for a better durability and long-term performance. They are also manufactured with premium features such as dynamically balanced and phosphate painted/ coated. To get a quote or for more information on variable pitch pulleys or belts please contact us and we will be happy to assist you.

Key-Way Size Chart:
Bore Range Key-Way Size
1/2" None
5/8" - 7/8" 3/16" X 3/32"
15/16" - 1-1/4" 1/4" X 1/8"
1-3/8" 5/16" X 5/32"
1-5/8" 3/8" X 3/16"

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Variable Pitch 2VP36 Pulley 78

2VP36 Pulley Request Form

To get a quote on 2VP26 pulleys/ sheaves fill out the request for quote form and someone from our customer service team will contact you.

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