Acetal Case Chain
Acetal case chains are used in almost any brewery today's modern world and range back into the late 19th century historically wise. Dimension wise the acetal case chains we supply are the same. However, these chains are supplied with a special and uniquely designed pin that is assembled into two pieces. Not only are the pins easily assembled and dis-assembled, but the very specific aspects of these chains have been designed and perfected for the end-user to have easy operation and modifications when necessary.
Due to the basics of acetal case chains they are practically maintenance free and run very quietly. They are also light-weight and are used with low energy requirements. Another major benefit to this style of chain is the high chemical attack as well as corrosion resistance, and the extreme broad recommended temperature range of -40° to + 90° Celsius. This is why acetal case chain is used the the majority of the "modern" day brewery or bottling facility.
Acetal Case Chain Materials
We supply these chains in a few different material options based on application and running conditions.
PM - This material is a acetal polymer with self lubricating components, it is typically white in color but blue is available upon request.
LF - This is an acetal co-polymer with improved self-lubricating properties and is typically brown in color.
SLF - This is an acetal co-polymer with actual self lubricating additive to achieve the lowest possible friction resistances, it is typically green in color.
HP - This material is a homo-polymer that actually offers a 20% increase in tensile strength as well as hardness versus a standard acetal equivalent. This reduces elongation and provides the best possible performance in arduous and extreme applications.
PP - This material is a polypropylene thermoplastic style material with a low density and good properties when it comes to actual chemical resistance. It has a high toughness and can even resist applications where steam sterilization is present, it can also be used in applications with a temperature range of +1°C to + 104°C.
Note: in addition to the standard materials we can supply acetal case chains in just about any material needed. This includes anti-static, special polyurethanes, and even metallic steels when required.
Acetal Case Chain Performance
 When calculating chain pull for conveyors with bends use the below table.
Note 1: Multiply Tf by the number of bends in conveyor length. Note 2: Curves should be as far away from head-shaft as possible. Note 3: When using 1700 sized chains with turn-wheels, calculate as for straight conveyor and multiply result by 1.12n where n = amount of turns.