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Roller Chain

Roller chains are widely used across various industries, serving in drives, conveyors, bucket elevators, and tension linkages. They offer several advantages compared to belt and gear drives, including the ability to bridge large gaps between shafts, diminish the load on shafts and bearings, provide simplicity in operation, cost-effectiveness, and demand reduced maintenance.

We are at your service to provide expertise and guidance, whether you are embarking on a new project and require assistance in selecting the ideal roller chain or seeking a replacement for an existing one.

Roller Chain by Type

USA Roller Chain and Sprockets is an industry-leading roller chain supplier accredited with exceptional customer service. We take roller chain seriously, combining quality products and expert service to pair our customers with the best chain for their application. With the largest online selection of roller chains anywhere we make it easy to find your chain online or via phone consultation. Roller chains have been about since the 1880s, its no wonder that they have become so common today with their simplistic yet highly effective design. We supply chains all around the world, and offer ANSI, ISO, and DIN Standard roller chains directly from stock!

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Standard Roller Chains

Premium 120 10FT Double Strand Roller Chain
We have a full line of standard ANSI roller chains available. Standard series roller chains include single strand, multi strand, and heavy series. We have also put together a roller chain size chart for help with identifying your existing chain or designing a new application. In addition, we also carry a full range of sprockets and attachments for standard roller chains.
Single-Strand Roller Chains are also categorized as simplex or are designated with a (-1) after the specific chain size. The "standard" lineup of chains consists of the most commonly used roller chains in the world today. These sizes include # 25 (1/4" pitch) up to #240 (3" pitch). Within each size, we offer different quality levels and options.
Single-Strand Roller Chain Size Chart Single-Strand Roller Chain Options
Chain Size
Pitch (P)
Roller Width (W)
Roller Diameter (D)
Overall Width (A)
Plate Height (H)
Plate Thickness (T)
Pin Diameter (E)
Avg. Ultimate Strength
Weight (Per Ft)
#25-1 0.250" 0.125" 0.130" 0.306" 0.228" 0.029" 0.091" 930 LBS 0.09 LBS
#35-1 0.375" 0.188" 0.200" 0.456" 0.356" 0.050" 0.141" 2,320 LBS 0.22 LBS
#40-1 0.500" 0.312" 0.312" 0.642" 0.475" 0.058" 0.156" 3,970 LBS 0.42 LBS
#41-1 0.500" 0.250" 0.306" 0.522" 0.390" 0.050" 0.141" 2,760 LBS 0.28 LBS
#50-1 0.625" 0.375" 0.400" 0.794" 0.594" 0.079" 0.200" 6,620 LBS 0.68 LBS
#60-1 0.750" 0.500" 0.469" 0.994" 0.712" 0.093" 0.234" 9,270 LBS 0.97 LBS
#80-1 1.000" 0.625" 0.625" 1.290" 0.950" 0.125" 0.312" 16,540 LBS 1.71 LBS
#100-1 1.250" 0.750" 0.750" 1.578" 1.188" 0.157" 0.375" 25,360 LBS 2.65 LBS
#120-1 1.500" 1.000" 0.875" 1.966" 1.425" 0.189" 0.437" 32,640 LBS 3.79 LBS
#140-1 1.750" 1.000" 1.000" 2.132" 1.663" 0.219" 0.500" 45,210 LBS 4.96 LBS
#160-1 2.000" 1.250" 1.125" 2.564" 1.901" 0.255" 0.563" 57,780 LBS 6.32 LBS
#180-1 2.250" 1.406" 1.406" 2.808" 2.130" 0.283" 0.687" 80,480 LBS 9.04 LBS
#200-1 2.500" 1.500" 1.562" 3.160" 2.376" 0.312" 0.782" 109,150 LBS 10.31 LBS
#240-1 3.000" 1.875" 1.875" 3.772" 2.850" 0.375" 0.937" 152,140 LBS 16.40 LBS
Multi-strand roller chains consist of double-strand (duplex), triple strand (triplex), quad strand (quadruple), five-strand (quintuple), six-strand (sextuple), eight strand (octonary), ten strand (decuple), and twelve strand (duodenary) roller chains.
Standard Double Strand Chain Sizes:
Double Strand Chain Size Chart Double Strand Chain Dimensions
Chain Size
Pitch (P) Roller Width (W) Roller Diameter (D) Overall Width (A) Plate Height (H) Plate Thickness (T) Pin Diameter (E) Avg. Ultimate Strength Weight (Per Ft)
#25-2 0.250" 0.125" 0.130" 0.590" 0.230" 0.030" 0.091" 1,700 LBS 0.19 LBS
#35-2 0.375" 0.188" 0.200" 0.876" 0.356" 0.050" 0.141" 4,640 LBS 0.46 LBS
#40-2 0.500" 0.312" 0.312" 1.212" 0.475" 0.058" 0.156" 7,500 LBS 0.85 LBS
#50-2 0.625" 0.375" 0.400" 1.504" 0.594" 0.079" 0.200" 13,230 LBS 1.37 LBS
#60-2 0.750" 0.500" 0.469" 1.890" 0.712" 0.093" 0.234" 18,530 LBS 2.04 LBS
#80-2 1.000" 0.625" 0.625" 2.440" 0.950" 0.125" 0.312" 33,080 LBS 3.41 LBS
#100-2 1.250" 0.750" 0.750" 2.986" 1.188" 0.157" 0.375" 50,720 LBS 5.28 LBS
#120-2 1.500" 1.000" 0.875" 3.776" 1.425" 0.189" 0.437" 65,270 LBS 7.88 LBS
#140-2 1.750" 1.000" 1.000" 4.058" 1.663" 0.219" 0.500" 90,410 LBS 10.03 LBS
#160-2 2.000" 1.250" 1.125" 4.900" 1.901" 0.255" 0.563" 115,550 LBS 13.48 LBS
#180-2 2.250" 1.406" 1.406 5.414" 2.130" 0.283" 0.687" 160,960 LBS 17.65 LBS
#200-2 2.500" 1.501" 1.562" 5.980" 2.376" 0.312" 0.782" 218,300 LBS 21.95 LBS
#240-2 3.000" 1.875" 1.875" 7.236" 2.850" 0.375" 0.937 304,280 LBS 32.45 LBS
Standard Triple Strand Chain Sizes:
Triple Strand Chain Size Chart Triple Strand Chain Dimensions
Chain Size Pitch (P) Roller Width (W) Roller Diameter (D) Overall Width (A) Plate Height (H) Plate Thickness (T) Pin Diameter (E) Avg. Ultimate Strength Weight (Per Ft)
#25-3 0.250" 0.125" 0.091" 0.860" 0.230" 0.030" 0.091" 2,790 LBS 0.27 LBS
#35-3 0.375" 0.188" 0.200" 1.262" 0.356" 0.050" 0.141" 6,950 LBS 0.70 LBS
#40-3 0.500" 0.312" 0.312" 1.776" 0.475" 0.058" 0.156" 11,250 LBS 1.27 LBS
#50-3 0.625" 0.375" 0.400" 2.222" 0.594" 0.079" 0.200" 19,850 LBS 2.05 LBS
#60-3 0.750" 0.500" 0.469" 2.794" 0.712" 0.093" 0.234" 27,790 LBS 3.02 LBS
#80-3 1.000" 0.625" 0.625" 3.582" 0.950" 0.125" 0.312" 49,620 LBS 5.10 LBS
#100-3 1.250" 0.750" 0.750" 4.396" 1.188" 0.157" 0.375" 76,080 LBS 7.92 LBS
#120-3 1.500" 1.000" 0.875" 5.546" 1.425" 0.189" 0.437" 97,910 LBS 11.80 LBS
#140-3 1.750" 1.000" 1.000" 6.010" 1.663" 0.219" 0.500" 135,610 LBS 15.00 LBS
#160-3 2.000" 1.250" 1.125" 7.200" 1.901" 0.255" 0.563" 173,320 LBS 20.20 LBS
#200-3 2.500" 1.501" 1.562" 8.798" 2.376" 0.312" 0.782" 327,450 LBS 32.72 LBS
#240-3 3.000" 1.875" 1.875" 10.696" 2.850" 0.375" 0.937 456,420 LBS 48.19 LBS
Standard Quad Strand Chain Sizes:
Quad Strand Chain Size Chart Quad Strand Chain Dimensions
Chain Size Pitch (P) Roller Width (W) Roller Diameter (D) Overall Width (A) Plate Height (H) Plate Thickness (T) Pin Diameter (E) Avg. Ultimate Strength Weight (Per Ft)
#25-4 0.250" 0.125" 0.130" 1.070" 0.232" 0.028" 0.091" 3,350 LBS 0.35 LBS
#35-4 0.375" 0.188" 0.200" 1.713" 0.354" 0.049" 0.141" 10,120 LBS 0.82 LBS
#40-4 0.500" 0.312" 0.312" 2.342" 0.475" 0.058" 0.156" 15,000 LBS 1.60 LBS
#50-4 0.625" 0.375" 0.400" 2.962" 0.594" 0.079" 0.200" 26,460 LBS 2.72 LBS
#60-4 0.750" 0.500" 0.469" 3.690" 0.712" 0.093" 0.234" 37,050 LBS 3.97 LBS
#80-4 1.000" 0.625" 0.625" 4.776" 0.950" 0.125" 0.312" 66,150 LBS 6.75 LBS
#100-4 1.250" 0.750" 0.750" 5.806" 1.188" 0.157" 0.375" 101,430 LBS 10.27 LBS
#120-4 1.500" 1.000" 0.875" 7.336" 1.425" 0.189" 0.437" 130,540 LBS 14.97 LBS
#140-4 1.750" 1.000" 1.000" 7.894" 1.650" 0.220" 0.500" 193,600 LBS 19.6 LBS
#160-4 2.000" 1.250" 1.125" 9.421" 1.882" 0.252" 0.563" 242,000 LBS 26.0 LBS
#200-4 2.500" 1.500" 1.562" 11.531" 2.362" 0.315" 0.781" 422,400 LBS 43.25 LBS
#240-4 3.000"
1.875" 1.875" 14.122" 2.815" 0.374" 0.937" 616,000 LBS 61.22 LBS
Standard Five Strand Chain Sizes:
Five Strand Chain Size Chart Five Strand Chain Dimensions
Chain Size Pitch (P) Roller Width (W) Roller Diameter (D) Overall Width (A) Plate Height (H) Plate Thickness (T) Pin Diameter (E) Avg. Ultimate Strength Weight (Per Ft)
#40-5 0.500" 0.312" 0.312" 2.98" 0.475" 0.058" 0.156" 21,450 LBS 2.11 LBS
#50-5 0.625" 0.375" 0.400" 3.70" 0.594" 0.079" 0.200" 34,650 LBS 3.37 LBS
#60-5 0.750" 0.500" 0.469" 4.65" 0.712" 0.093" 0.234" 49,500 LBS 4.97 LBS
#80-5 1.000" 0.625" 0.625" 6.02" 0.950" 0.125" 0.312" 88,000 LBS 8.60 LBS
#100-5 1.250" 0.750" 0.750" 7.35" 1.188" 0.157" 0.375" 133,100 LBS 12.9 LBS
#120-5 1.500" 1.000" 0.875" 9.27" 1.425" 0.189" 0.437" 187,000 LBS 19.2 LBS
#140-5 1.750" 1.000" 1.000" 10.02" 1.663" 0.219" 0.500" 242,000 LBS 24.4 LBS
#160-5 2.000" 1.250" 1.125" 11.94" 1.901" 0.255" 0.563" 302,500 LBS 32.5 LBS
#200-5 2.500" 1.501" 1.562" 14.72" 2.376" 0.312" 0.782" 528,000 LBS 56.4 LBS
Standard Six Strand Chain Sizes:
Standard Six Strand Chain SizesStandard Six Strand Chain Sizes 2
Chain Size Pitch (P) Roller Width (W) Roller Diameter (D) Overall Width (A) Plate Height (H) Plate Thickness (T) Pin Diameter (E) Avg. Ultimate Strength Weight (Per Ft)
35-6 0.375" 0.188" 0.200" 2.50" 0.354" 0.050" 0.141" 14,000 LBS 1.27 LBS
40-6 0.500" 0.312" 0.312" 2.98" 0.475" 0.058" 0.156" 21,450 LBS 2.11 LBS
50-6 0.625" 0.375" 0.400" 3.70" 0.594" 0.079" 0.200" 34,650 LBS 3.37 LBS
60-6 0.750" 0.500" 0.469" 4.65" 0.712" 0.093" 0.234" 49,500 LBS 4.97 LBS
80-6 1.000" 0.625" 0.625" 6.02" 0.950" 0.125" 0.312" 88,000 LBS 8.60 LBS
100-6 1.250" 0.750" 0.750" 7.35" 1.188" 0.157" 0.375" 133,100 LBS 12.9 LBS
120-6 1.500" 1.000" 0.875" 9.27" 1.425" 0.189" 0.437" 187,000 LBS 19.2 LBS
140-6 1.750" 1.000" 1.000" 10.02" 1.663" 0.219" 0.500" 242,000 LBS 24.4 LBS
160-6 2.000" 1.250" 1.125" 11.94" 1.901" 0.255" 0.563" 302,500 LBS 32.5 LBS
180-6 2.250" 1.402" 1.406" 16.04" 2.067" 0.283" 0.687" 480,000 LBS 53.3 LBS
200-6 2.500" 1.500" 1.562" 17.54" 2.354" 0.315" 0.781" 630,000 LBS 67.7 LBS
240-6 3.000" 1.875" 1.875" 21.38" 2.768" 0.374" 0.936" 910,000 LBS 94.6 LBS
Standard Eight Strand Chain Sizes:
Standard Eight Strand Chain Sizes
Chain# Pitch (P) (W) (D) (d) (e) (f) (g) (C) (T) (H) (h) Weight (LBS/ FT)
40-8 0.500" 0.313" 0.312" 0.156" 0.327" 0.374" 0.398" 0.567" 0.059" 0.472" 0.409" 3.18
50-8 0.625" 0.375" 0.400" 0.200 0.402" 0.457" 0.476" 0.713" 0.079" 0.591" 0.512" 5.44
60-8 0.750" 0.500" 0.469" 0.235" 0.500" 0.563" 0.594" 0.898" 0.094" 0.713" 0.614" 8.08
80-8 1.000" 0.625" 0.625" 0.313" 0.646" -- 0.748" 1.154" 0.126" 0.945" 0.819" 13.54
100-8 1.250" 0.750" 0.750" 0.376" 0.780" -- 0.894" 1.409" 0.157" 1.177" 1.024" 20.26
120-8 1.500" 1.000" 0.875" 0.437" 0.980" -- 1.110" 1.787" 0.189" 1.413" 1.228" 29.50
140-8 1.750" 1.000" 1.000" 0.500" 1.055" -- 1.248" 1.925" 0.220" 1.650" 1.429" 37.68
160-8 2.000" 1.250" 1.125" 0.563" 1.256" -- 1.437" 2.303" 0.252" 1.882" 1.630" 51.76
180-8 2.250" 1.406" 1.406" 0.687" 1.409" -- 1.638" 2.591" 0.280" 2.118" 1.835" 66.52
200-8 2.500" 1.500" 1.562" 0.781" 1.535" -- 1.811" 2.819" 0.315" 2.362" 2.047" 86.50
240-8 3.000" 1.875" 1.875" 0.937" 1.878" -- 2.177" 3.457" 0.374" 2.815" 2.441" 122.44
Standard Ten Strand Chain Sizes:
Standard Ten Strand Chain Sizes
Chain# Pitch (P) (W) (D) (d) (e) (f) (g) (C) (T) (H) (h) Weight (LBS/ FT)
40-10 0.500" 0.313" 0.312" 0.156" 0.327" 0.374" 0.398" 0.567" 0.059" 0.472" 0.409" 3.92
50-10 0.625" 0.375" 0.400" 0.200 0.402" 0.457" 0.476" 0.713" 0.079" 0.591" 0.512" 6.83
60-10 0.750" 0.500" 0.469" 0.235" 0.500" 0.563" 0.594" 0.898" 0.094" 0.713" 0.614" 10.05
80-10 1.000" 0.625" 0.625" 0.313" 0.646" -- 0.748" 1.154" 0.126" 0.945" 0.819" 16.92
100-10 1.250" 0.750" 0.750" 0.376" 0.780" -- 0.894" 1.409" 0.157" 1.177" 1.024" 24.92
120-10 1.500" 1.000" 0.875" 0.437" 0.980" -- 1.110" 1.787" 0.189" 1.413" 1.228" 36.29
140-10 1.750" 1.000" 1.000" 0.500" 1.055" -- 1.248" 1.925" 0.220" 1.650" 1.429" 46.35
160-10 2.000" 1.250" 1.125" 0.563" 1.256" -- 1.437" 2.303" 0.252" 1.882" 1.630" 63.66
180-10 2.250" 1.406" 1.406" 0.687" 1.409" -- 1.638" 2.591" 0.280" 2.118" 1.835" 81.82
200-10 2.500" 1.500" 1.562" 0.781" 1.535" -- 1.811" 2.819" 0.315" 2.362" 2.047" 106.40
240-10 3.000" 1.875" 1.875" 0.937" 1.878" -- 2.177" 3.457" 0.374" 2.815" 2.441" 150.60
Standard Twelve Strand Chain Sizes:
Standard Twelve Strand Chain Sizes
Chain# Pitch (P) (W) (D) (d) (e) (f) (g) (C) (T) (H) (h) Weight (LBS/ FT)
40-12 0.500" 0.313" 0.312" 0.156" 0.327" 0.374" 0.398" 0.567" 0.059" 0.472" 0.409" 4.71
50-12 0.625" 0.375" 0.400" 0.200 0.402" 0.457" 0.476" 0.713" 0.079" 0.591" 0.512" 8.20
60-12 0.750" 0.500" 0.469" 0.235" 0.500" 0.563" 0.594" 0.898" 0.094" 0.713" 0.614" 12.06
80-12 1.000" 0.625" 0.625" 0.313" 0.646" -- 0.748" 1.154" 0.126" 0.945" 0.819" 20.31
100-12 1.250" 0.750" 0.750" 0.376" 0.780" -- 0.894" 1.409" 0.157" 1.177" 1.024" 29.91
120-12 1.500" 1.000" 0.875" 0.437" 0.980" -- 1.110" 1.787" 0.189" 1.413" 1.228" 43.55
140-12 1.750" 1.000" 1.000" 0.500" 1.055" -- 1.248" 1.925" 0.220" 1.650" 1.429" 55.62
160-12 2.000" 1.250" 1.125" 0.563" 1.256" -- 1.437" 2.303" 0.252" 1.882" 1.630" 76.39
180-12 2.250" 1.406" 1.406" 0.687" 1.409" -- 1.638" 2.591" 0.280" 2.118" 1.835" 98.19
200-12 2.500" 1.500" 1.562" 0.781" 1.535" -- 1.811" 2.819" 0.315" 2.362" 2.047" 127.68
240-12 3.000" 1.875" 1.875" 0.937" 1.878" -- 2.177" 3.457" 0.374" 2.815" 2.441" 180.72

Heavy-Duty roller chains are also commonly referred to as heavy roller chain or heavy-duty roller chain. Something important to note about these chains is that they utilize thicker side-plates than standard chains, this means that single-strand (simplex) heavy roller chain will run on the same sprockets as standard (excluding double-single type) but double strand (duplex) heavy roller chains require specially manufactured sprockets due to the need of increased width between the sets of teeth.
ANSI Heavy-Duty Roller ChainANSI Heavy-Duty Roller Chain 2
Chain Size Pitch (P) Roller Width (W) Roller Diameter (D) Overall Width (A) Plate Height (H) Plate Thickness (T) Pin Diameter (E) Weight (Per Ft)
#25H 0.250" 0.125" 0.130" 0.306" 0.228" 0.039" 0.091" 0.12 LBS
#35H 0.375" 0.188" 0.200" 0.456" 0.356" 0.060" 0.141" 0.36 LBS
#40H 0.500" 0.312" 0.312" 0.642" 0.475" 0.079" 0.156" 0.59 LBS
#50H 0.625" 0.375" 0.400" 0.794" 0.594" 0.093" 0.200" 0.75 LBS
#60H 0.750" 0.500" 0.469" 0.994" 0.712" 0.125" 0.234" 1.20 LBS
#80H 1.000" 0.625" 0.625" 1.290" 0.950" 0.157" 0.312" 1.96 LBS
#100H 1.250" 0.750" 0.750" 1.578" 1.188" 0.189" 0.375" 2.80 LBS
#120H 1.500" 1.000" 0.875" 1.966" 1.425" 0.219" 0.437" 4.00 LBS
#140H 1.750" 1.000" 1.000" 2.132" 1.663" 0.250" 0.500" 5.40 LBS
#160H 2.000" 1.250" 1.125" 2.564" 1.901" 0.281" 0.563" 7.09 LBS
#180H 2.250" 1.406" 1.406" 2.808" 2.130" 0.312" 0.687" 11.08 LBS
#200H 2.500" 1.500" 1.562" 3.160" 2.376" 0.375" 0.782" 13.54 LBS
#240H 3.000" 1.875" 1.875" 3.772" 2.850" 0.500" 0.937" 19.96 LBS
Note: All of our heavy-duty series roller chains regardless of quality level series is supplied with solid-rollers (excluding #25H and #35H)
Duplex Heavy Roller Chains:
Duplex Heavy Roller ChainsDuplex Heavy Roller Chains 2
Chain Size Pitch (P) Roller Width (W) Roller Diameter (D) (A) (B) Plate Height (H) Plate Thickness (T) Pin Diameter (E) Weight (Per Ft)
60-2H 0.750" 0.500" 0.469" 1.090" 1.140" 0.712" 0.125" 0.234" 2.31 LBS
80-2H 1.000" 0.625" 0.625" 1.360" 1.420" 0.950" 0.157" 0.312" 3.97 LBS
100-2H 1.250" 0.750" 0.750" 1.630" 1.736" 1.188" 0.187" 0.375" 6.07 LBS
120-2H 1.500" 1.000" 0.875" 2.014" 2.171" 1.425" 0.219" 0.437" 8.67 LBS
140-2H 1.750" 1.000" 1.000" 2.163" 2.343" 1.663" 0.250" 0.500" 11.01 LBS
160-2H 2.000" 1.250"
1.125" 2.555" 2.736" 1.901" 0.281" 0.563" 14.64 LBS
200-2H 2.500" 1.501" 1.562" 3.230" 3.437" 2.376" 0.375" 0.782" 24.51 LBS

Single Strand Cotterd Roller Chains
Single Strand Cotterd Roller Chains

Double Strand Cotterd Roller Chains

Triple Strand Cotterd Roller Chains
Economy Plus General Duty Plus Premier Series
-- -- 60-3
80-3 -- 80-3
100-3 -- 100-3

Quad Strand Cotterd Roller Chains
Economy Plus General Duty Plus Premier Series
60-4 -- 60-4
80-4 -- 80-4
100-4 -- 100-4

Five Strand Cotterd Roller Chains
Economy Plus General Duty Plus Premier Series
-- -- 60-5
-- -- 80-5
-- -- 100-5
-- -- 120-5
-- -- 140-5
-- -- 160-5
-- -- 200-5

Six Strand Cotterd Roller Chains
Economy Plus General Duty Plus Premier Series API Series
-- -- 60-6 --
-- -- 80-6 --
-- -- 100-6 100-6
-- -- 120-6 --
-- -- 160-6 --
-- -- -- --

Eight Strand Cotterd Roller Chains
API Series

Double Pitch Cotterd Roller Chains

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ANSI Standard Roller Chain By Size

Starting from ANSI #25 and going through #240 size roller chains the below charts show dimensions and information about each size.
25 Roller Chain Diagram25 Roller Chain Diagram 2
Size Pitch (P) Bushing Width (W) Bushing Diameter (D) Overall Width (A) Plate Height (H) Plate Thickness (T) Pin Diameter (E) Weight (Per Ft)
25-1 0.25" 0.125" 0.130" 0.307" 0.232" 0.028" 0.091" 0.09 LBS
25-2 0.25" 0.125" 0.130" 0.567" 0.232" 0.028" 0.091" 0.17 LBS
25-3 0.25" 0.125" 0.130" 0.819" 0.232" 0.028" 0.091" 0.26 LBS
25-4 0.25" 0.125" 0.130" 1.071" 0.232" 0.028" 0.091" 0.35 LBS
25-5 0.25" 0.125" 0.130" 1.327" 0.232" 0.028" 0.091" 0.44 LBS
Note: additional information on product pages.
35 Roller Chain Diagram35 Roller Chain Diagram 2
Size Pitch (P) Bushing Width (W) Bushing Diameter (D) Overall Width (A) Plate Height (H) Plate Thickness (T) Pin Diameter (E) Weight (Per Ft)
35-1 0.375" 0.188" 0.200" 0.472" 0.354" 0.049" 0.141" 0.21 LBS
35-2 0.375" 0.188" 0.200" 0.870" 0.354" 0.049" 0.141" 0.46 LBS
35-3 0.375" 0.188" 0.200" 1.268" 0.354" 0.049" 0.141" 0.70 LBS
35-4 0.375" 0.188" 0.200" 1.665" 0.354" 0.049" 0.141" 0.95 LBS
35-5 0.375" 0.188" 0.200" 2.067" 0.354" 0.049" 0.141" 1.19 LBS
Note: additional information on product pages.
41 Roller Chain Diagram41 Roller Chain Diagram 2
Size Pitch (P) Roller Width (W) Roller Diameter (D) Overall Width (A) Plate Height (H) Plate Thickness (T) Pin Diameter (E) Weight (Per Ft)
41-1 0.50" 0.250" 0.306" 0.539" 0.378" 0.047" 0.141" 0.26 LBS
Note: additional information on product pages.
40 Roller Chain Diagram40 Roller Chain Diagram 2
Size Pitch (P) Roller Width (W) Roller Diameter (D) Overall Width (A) Plate Height (H) Plate Thickness (T) Pin Diameter (E) Weight (Per Ft)
40-1 0.50" 0.312" 0.312" 0.650" 0.472" 0.059" 0.156" 0.42 LBS
40-2 0.50" 0.312" 0.312" 1.220" 0.472" 0.059" 0.156" 0.80 LBS
40-3 0.50" 0.312" 0.312" 1.787" 0.472" 0.059" 0.156" 1.19 LBS
40-4 0.50" 0.312" 0.312" 2.358" 0.472" 0.059" 0.156" 1.59 LBS
40-5 0.50" 0.312" 0.312" 2.925" 0.472" 0.059" 0.156" 1.98 LBS
40-6 0.50" 0.312" 0.312" -- 0.472" 0.059" 0.156" 2.40 LBS
Note: overall width of cottered-style #40 roller chains will vary.
50 Roller Chain Diagram50 Roller Chain Diagram 2
Size Pitch (P) Roller Width (W) Roller Diameter (D) Overall Width (A) Plate Height (H) Plate Thickness (T) Pin Diameter (E) Weight (Per Ft)
50-1 0.625" 0.375" 0.400" 0.800" 0.591" 0.079" 0.200" 0.713 LBS
50-2 0.625" 0.375" 0.400" 1.513" 0.591" 0.079" 0.200" 1.406 LBS
50-3 0.625" 0.375" 0.400" 2.230" 0.591" 0.079" 0.200" 2.099 LBS
50-4 0.625" 0.375" 0.400" 2.943" 0.591" 0.079" 0.200" 2.792 LBS
50-5 0.625" 0.375" 0.400" 3.656" 0.591" 0.079" 0.200" 3.485 LBS
50-6 0.625" 0.375" 0.400" 4.369" 0.591" 0.079" 0.200" 4.171 LBS
Note: The overall width of cottered-style #50 roller chains will vary.
60 Roller Chain Diagram60 Roller Chain Diagram 2
Size Pitch (P) Roller Width (W) Roller Diameter (D) Overall Width (A) Plate Height (H) Plate Thickness (T) Pin Diameter (E) Weight (Per Ft)
60-1 0.75" 0.50" 0.469" 0.994" 0.712" 0.093" 0.234" 0.97 LBS
60-2 0.75" 0.50" 0.469" 1.890" 0.712" 0.093" 0.234" 2.04 LBS
60-3 0.75" 0.50" 0.469" 2.794" 0.712" 0.093" 0.234" 3.02 LBS
60-4 0.75" 0.50" 0.469" 3.690" 0.712" 0.093" 0.234" 3.97 LBS
60-5 0.75" 0.50" 0.469" 4.598" 0.712" 0.093" 0.234" 5.05 LBS
60-6 0.75" 0.50" 0.469" 5.496" 0.712" 0.093" 0.234" 6.136 LBS
Note: overall width of cottered-style #60 roller chains will vary.
80 Roller Chain Diagram80 Roller Chain Diagram 2
Size Pitch (P) Roller Width (W) Roller Diameter (D) Overall Width (A) Plate Height (H) Plate Thickness (T) Pin Diameter (E) Weight (Per Ft)
80-1 1.00" 0.625" 0.625" 1.289" 0.949" 0.126" 0.313" 1.87 LBS
80-2 1.00" 0.625" 0.625" 2.447" 0.949" 0.126" 0.313" 3.74 LBS
80-3 1.00" 0.625" 0.625" 3.602" 0.949" 0.126" 0.313" 5.54 LBS
80-4 1.00" 0.625" 0.625" 4.756" 0.949" 0.126" 0.313" 7.34 LBS
80-5 1.00" 0.625" 0.625" 5.910" 0.949" 0.126" 0.313" 9.14 LBS
80-6 1.00" 0.625" 0.625" 7.065" 0.949" 0.126" 0.313" 10.94 LBS
Note: overall width of cottered-style #80 roller chains will vary.
100 Roller Chain Diagram100 Roller Chain Diagram 2
Size Pitch (P) Roller Width (W) Roller Diameter (D) Overall Width (A) Plate Height (H) Plate Thickness (T) Pin Diameter (E) Weight (Per Ft)
100-1 1.250" 0.750" 0.750" 1.698" 1.185" 0.158" 0.375" 2.80 LBS
100-2 1.250" 0.750" 0.750" 3.109" 1.185" 0.158" 0.375" 5.60 LBS
100-3 1.250" 0.750" 0.750" 4.519" 1.185" 0.158" 0.375" 8.34 LBS
100-4 1.250" 0.750" 0.750" 5.930" 1.185" 0.158" 0.375" 11.01 LBS
100-5 1.250" 0.750" 0.750" 7.340" 1.185" 0.158" 0.375" 13.81 LBS
100-6 1.250" 0.750" 0.750" 8.751" 1.185" 0.158" 0.375" 16.54 LBS
Note: overall width of cottered-style #100 roller chains will vary.
120 Roller Chain Diagram120 Roller Chain Diagram 2
Size Pitch (P) Roller Width (W) Roller Diameter (D) Overall Width (A) Plate Height (H) Plate Thickness (T) Pin Diameter (E) Weight (Per Ft)
120-1 1.500" 1.000" 0.875" 2.124" 1.425" 0.189" 0.438" 4.14 LBS
120-2 1.500" 1.000" 0.875" 3.897" 1.425" 0.189" 0.438" 8.14 LBS
120-3 1.500" 1.000" 0.875" 5.685" 1.425" 0.189" 0.438" 12.21 LBS
120-4 1.500" 1.000" 0.875" 7.474" 1.425" 0.189" 0.438" 16.34 LBS
120-5 1.500" 1.000" 0.875" 9.263" 1.425" 0.189" 0.438" 20.41 LBS
120-6 1.500" 1.000" 0.875" 11.052" 1.425" 0.189" 0.438" 24.55 LBS
Note: overall width of cottered-style #120 roller chains will vary.
140 Roller Chain Diagram140 Roller Chain Diagram 2
Size Pitch (P) Roller Width (W) Roller Diameter (D) Overall Width (A) Plate Height (H) Plate Thickness (T) Pin Diameter (E) Weight (Per Ft)
140-1 1.750" 1.000" 1.000" 2.321" 1.663" 0.220" 0.500" 5.136 LBS
140-2 1.750" 1.000" 1.000" 4.247" 1.663" 0.220" 0.500" 10.072 LBS
140-3 1.750" 1.000" 1.000" 6.174" 1.663" 0.220" 0.500" 15.074 LBS
140-4 1.750" 1.000" 1.000" 8.101" 1.663" 0.220" 0.500" 20.077 LBS
140-5 1.750" 1.000" 1.000" 10.027" 1.663" 0.220" 0.500" 25.013 LBS
140-6 1.750" 1.000" 1.000" 11.954" 1.663" 0.220" 0.500" 30.015 LBS
Note: overall width of cottered-style #140 roller chains will vary.
160 Roller Chain Diagram160 Roller Chain Diagram 2
Size Pitch (P) Roller Width (W) Roller Diameter (D) Overall Width (A) Plate Height (H) Plate Thickness (T) Pin Diameter (E) Weight (Per Ft)
160-1 2.000" 1.250" 1.125" 2.723" 1.899" 0.252" 0.563" 6.603 LBS
160-2 2.000" 1.250" 1.125" 5.027" 1.899" 0.252" 0.563" 13.073 LBS
160-3 2.000" 1.250" 1.125" 7.332" 1.899" 0.252" 0.563" 19.543 LBS
160-4 2.000" 1.250" 1.125" 9.637" 1.899" 0.252" 0.563" 25.946 LBS
160-5 2.000" 1.250" 1.125" 11.942" 1.899" 0.252" 0.563" 32.416 LBS
160-6 2.000" 1.250" 1.125" 14.247" 1.899" 0.252" 0.563" 38.886 LBS
Note: overall width of cottered-style #160 roller chains will vary.
180 Roller Chain Diagram180 Roller Chain Diagram 2
Size Pitch (P) Roller Width (W) Roller Diameter (D) Overall Width (A) Plate Height (H) Plate Thickness (T) Pin Diameter (E) Weight (Per Ft)
180-1 2.250" 1.406" 1.406" 3.120" 2.135" 0.284" 0.688" 8.978 LBS
180-2 2.250" 1.406" 1.406" 5.713" 2.135" 0.284" 0.688" 17.669 LBS
180-3 2.250" 1.406" 1.406" 8.306" 2.135" 0.284" 0.688" 25.526 LBS
180-4 2.250" 1.406" 1.406" 10.898" 2.135" 0.284" 0.688" 33.964 LBS
180-5 2.250" 1.406" 1.406" 13.491" 2.135" 0.284" 0.688" 42.421 LBS
180-6 2.250" 1.406" 1.406" 16.083" 2.135" 0.284" 0.688" 50.825 LBS
Note: overall width of cottered-style #180 roller chains will vary.
200 Roller Chain Diagram200 Roller Chain Diagram 2
Size Pitch (P) Roller Width (W) Roller Diameter (D) Overall Width (A) Plate Height (H) Plate Thickness (T) Pin Diameter (E) Weight (Per Ft)
200-1 2.500" 1.500" 1.563" 3.361" 2.368" 0.315" 0.782" 11.07 LBS
200-2 2.500" 1.500" 1.563" 6.182" 2.368" 0.315" 0.782" 21.68 LBS
200-3 2.500" 1.500" 1.563" 9.003" 2.368" 0.315" 0.782" 32.42 LBS
200-4 2.500" 1.500" 1.563" 11.824" 2.368" 0.315" 0.782" 43.09 LBS
200-5 2.500" 1.500" 1.563" 14.645" 2.368" 0.315" 0.782" 53.76 LBS
200-6 2.500" 1.500" 1.563" 17.466" 2.368" 0.315" 0.782" 64.43 LBS
Note: overall width of cottered-style #200 roller chains will vary.
240 Roller Chain Diagram240 Roller Chain Diagram 2
Size Pitch (P) Roller Width (W) Roller Diameter (D) Overall Width (A) Plate Height (H) Plate Thickness (T) Pin Diameter (E) Weight (Per Ft)
240-1 3.00" 1.875" 1.875" 4.125" 2.850" 0.375" 0.938" 16.542 LBS
240-2 3.00" 1.875" 1.875" 7.585" 2.850" 0.375" 0.938" 32.683 LBS
240-3 3.00" 1.875" 1.875" 11.044" 2.850" 0.375" 0.938" 48.758 LBS
240-4 3.00" 1.875" 1.875" 14.503" 2.850" 0.375" 0.938" 64.832 LBS
240-5 3.00" 1.875" 1.875" 17.962" 2.850" 0.375" 0.938" 89.907 LBS
240-6 3.00" 1.875" 1.875" 21.422" 2.850" 0.375" 0.938" 96.848 LBS
Note: overall width of cottered-style #240 roller chains will vary.

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Corrosion Resistant Roller Chain

Stainless Steel Roller Chain Premier 80 Coated Roller Chain P25 Nickel Plated Chain
In corrosion-resistant roller chains, we stock a full line stainless steel roller chain in 304-grade and 316-grade. A nickel-plated roller chain is an option for applications that do not require stainless steel chain. All of our nickel-plated roller chains are manufactured in a way that prevents chipping and promotes maximum working life. We also carry dacromet and zinc-coated roller chains for qualified applications.

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Non-Standard & Specialty Chains

35 Titanium Chain 25 DHA Roller Chain 40SLN Low Noise Chain Premium 40HP Chain
We stock and supply the industry's broadest range of non-standard and specialty roller chains! Our inventory consists of agricultural roller chains, double pitch roller chains, metric roller chains, coupling chains, DHA series chains, low-temperature roller chains, hollow pin chain, lube-free roller chain, roller-less chains, plastic roller chain, straight sidebar roller chain, poly-steel chain, O-Ring roller chain, API Certified roller chains, Super Series roller chain, Double Capacity roller chain, low noise roller chain, titanium roller chain, and side-bow roller chain.

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Some of Our Partners

At USA Roller Chain and Sprockets, we understand the value of solid partnerships with great companies. This helps us provide our customers with better service, better pricing, and brand-specific chains upon request. Our vendor network consists of 1,000+ suppliers, meaning we can supply any power transmission product needed. We also have an on-site machine shop, custom conveyor manufacturing, and an extensive database of product information so we can help our customers with everything they need.

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