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Cottered Roller Chain

Some roller chain applications require a chain that features the ability to assemble and disassemble in the field rather than using a "grind and punch" method. In circumstances like this, we recommend a cottered roller chain. Our Cottered style roller chains are manufactured to the same American National Standards Institute (ANSI) B29.1 standards and dimensions as a riveted roller chain, just with cotters instead of rivets. We have the largest selection of cottered configuration roller chains in the world, this includes single strand chains through 12-strand chains, heavy-duty cottered roller chain, double pitch, and engineer class conveyor roller cottered chains. Something important to note with cottered-style roller chains is that the side-plates are still a press-fit style, meaning that sufficient pressure will still be required to take plates off. To get a quote or for additional information on cottered roller chains please contact us and we will be happy to assist you.

We standardly stock three different quality levels of roller chain. Economy Plus, General Duty Plus, and Premier Series.
Economy Plus - Good-quality ANSI roller chain made for a light and moderate duty industrial and conveying applications. Features include; solid rollers, heat treated components, and shot peened components.
General Duty Plus - High-quality ANSI Certified roller chain made for moderate and heavy-duty applications. Features include; solid rollers, solid bushings in some sizes, heat treated components, shot peened components, pre-stretched, and are supplied with high-quality lubricant.
Premier Series - Premium top of the line quality chain made for heavy to extreme duty applications. These chains offer the longest working life, highest strengths, and best performance for an ANSI chain on the market today. Features include; solid rollers, solid bushings, heat treated components, shot peened components, pre-stretched, and are supplied with premium-quality lubricant.

Single Strand Cotterd Roller Chains

Double Strand Cotterd Roller Chains

Triple Strand Cotterd Roller Chains
Economy Plus General Duty Plus Premier Series
-- -- 60-3
80-3 -- 80-3
100-3 -- 100-3

Quad Strand Cotterd Roller Chains
Economy Plus General Duty Plus Premier Series
60-4 -- 60-4
80-4 -- 80-4
100-4 -- 100-4

Five Strand Cotterd Roller Chains
Economy Plus General Duty Plus Premier Series
-- -- 60-5
-- -- 80-5
-- -- 100-5
-- -- 120-5
-- -- 140-5
-- -- 160-5
-- -- 200-5

Six Strand Cotterd Roller Chains
Economy Plus General Duty Plus Premier Series API Series
-- -- 60-6 --
-- -- 80-6 --
-- -- 100-6 100-6
-- -- 120-6 --
-- -- 160-6 --
-- -- -- --

Eight Strand Cotterd Roller Chains
API Series

Double Pitch Cotterd Roller Chains

Different cotter pin styles

Standard cotter:

The above cotter is the one that will be supplied with all of our standard cottered roller chains, this is the industry standard cotter used.

API Cotters:

Due to regulations produced by the American Petroleum Institute the use of J-Hook cotters is implemented on all of our API certified chains for Oil Rigging applications.

T-Head Cotter:

The T-Head cotter pin is utilized for most engineer class chains.

Cottered roller chain disassembly

Disassembling a cottered roller chain is easy yet still difficult. The below demonstrations are the step by step process involved in dis-assembling a cottered style roller chain.

Part 1:

The first part is to close the cotter pins so they will easily slide through the cotter-pin holes.

Part 2:

Next is removing the cotter pins themselves from the chain.

Part 3:

The final step is removing the plate. Please note that cottered roller chains use press-fit plates so removal of the plate can be difficult and will usually require a chain tool to apply pressure on the pins back and forth until the plate comes off.

Riveted vs Cottered Roller Chain

When making the comparison between a riveted roller chain the obvious difference is the actual cotter pin construction instead of a rivet. Another noticeable difference is that a cottered chain is typically slightly wider than a riveted chain. Then finally, the primary reason why most people go with a cottered chain is that it is easier to disassemble than a riveted chain. However, it is important to note that a cottered chain still uses press-fitted link plates. This basically means that complete disassembly will still be difficult. The easiest and safest method for cutting a chain is to use a roller chain breaker.

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API Certified Oil Rig Ready #120-8 Eight Strand Cottered Roller Chain API Certified #100-6 Six Strand Cottered Roller Chain C2060H Cottered Roller Chain C2062H Cottered Roller Chain
C2080H Cottered Roller Chain C2100H Cottered Roller Chain C2120H Cottered Roller Chain C2122H Cottered Roller Chain
C2160H Cottered Roller Chain C2162H Cottered Roller Chain Economy Plus #100 Cottered Roller Chain 100-2 Double Strand Cottered Roller Chain
#100-3 Triple Strand Cottered Roller Chain Economy Plus #100-4 Quad Strand Cottered Roller Chain Economy Plus #120 Cottered Roller Chain 120-2 Double Strand Cottered Roller Chain
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