Home > Specialty Chain > Pintle Chain > 600 Class Pintle Chain
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662 Pintle Chain 667H Pintle Chain 667X Pintle Chain
667XH Pintle Chain 667J Pintle Chain 88K Pintle Chain
88C Pintle Chain 88XH Pintle Chain 308C Pintle Chain
58 Pintle Chain 600 Class Pintle chain Attachments AL88W Pintle Chain

600 Class Pintle Chain

Our 600-class pintle chains offer superior performance, strength, and durability compared to other 600-class steel pintle chains. These are the most commonly used type of pintle chains because they offer such high strengths and long operation. These chains are typically found in agricultural applications, sand spreaders, manure spreaders, salt spreaders, conveyors, forage harvesters, baggers, live bottom trailers, and many more applications. If you need a complete trailer assembly with welded attachments or slats, we can provide those; we also stock 600 class pintle chain sprockets, attachments, and chain breakers.
Our 600-Class Pintle Chain Benefits:
  • Fully heat-treated parts
  • Quad-staked pins
  • Open barrel design
  • Smooth operation
Stock 600-Class Pintle Chains
600 class pintle chain drawing
Chain SizePitchUltimate StrengthSidebar Height (B)Sidebar Thickness (C)Pin Diameter (D)Weight
1.664"12,500 LBS0.720"0.125"0.281"1.05 LBS/ FT
2.313"14,000 LBS0.875"0.125"0.312"1.17 LBS/ FT
2.250"23,000 LBS0.938"0.170"0.437"1.86 LBS/ FT
2.250"28,000 LBS1.050"0.225"0.465"2.8 LBS/ FT
2.250"20,600 LBS0.937"0.170"0.375"1.81 LBS/ FT
2.609"29,000 LBS1.063"0.200"0.437"2.3 LBS/ FT
2.609"38,000 LBS1.138"0.252"0.500"3.32 LBS/ FT
2.609"38,000 LBS1.138"0.252"0.500"3.32 LBS/ FT
3.075"52,000 LBS1.500"0.315"0.625"5.65 LBS/ FT
4.000"50,000 LBS1.500"0.310"0.625"5.5 LBS/ FT
Note: Additional information and dimensions are available on product pages.

Pintle Chain Cross-Reference

Part#Manufacture 1Manufacture 2Manufacture 3
662D662 Pintle ChainAL662 Pintle ChainP662 Pintle Chain
667HD667H Pintle ChainAL667H Pintle ChainP667H Pintle Chain
667XD667X Pintle ChainAL667X Pintle ChainP667X Pintle Chain
667XHD667XH Pintle ChainAL667XH Pintle ChainP667XH Pintle Chain
88KD88K Pintle ChainAL88K Pintle ChainP88K Pintle Chain
88CD88C Pintle ChainAL88C Pintle ChainP88C Pintle Chain
88XHD88XH Pintle ChainAL88XH Pintle ChainP88XH Pintle Chain
600-Class Steel Pintle Chain Attachments
600 class pintle chain attachments
We offer an extensive range of attachments for 600-class pintle chains. Our standard attachments include AE, AES, AK1, AS, SEF, G30S, G38, G50, K1, KG30S, KS and more. We stock pre-assembled standard attachment pintle chains and can supply a complete custom attachment chain with the specific attachment and specific spacing within a few days.
600-Class Steel Pintle Chain Sprockets
600 class pintle chain sprockets
Our 600 class pintle chain sprocket inventory ranges in tooth count, hub type (A-plate, B-Hub, Chub), bore size, and sprocket material (cast or steel). Also if we don't have the exact sprocket you need in stock or if the sprocket is a custom part we can manufacture it!
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